Monday, January 19, 2009

Rhodohypoxis baueri

(c) Herb Senft

Rhodohypoxis baueri -- South African bulb

This deciduous grasslike perrennial is suitable for rock garden and pot culture. The nearly cormlike rhizomes do prefer good drainage, and in spring clumps of hairy, grass-like leaves appear. Beginning a month later and continuing well into summer they desplay small six-parted, star-like flowers on small 3" stems. There are many named forms. 'Tetra Red' and 'Tetra Pink' and 'Great Scott' are a few of those available.

Wayne Roderick, Marshal Olbrich and Carmen's Nursery in California were some of the earliest pioneers in introducing this plant. Skyline Nursery of Sequim introduced it to the Pacific Northwest in the early 80's. A Spokane Nursery offered them as well.

The plants are winter deciduous. They need sun and well drained soils. Moderate watering and little fertilizer. Protecting them from winter rain is a plus. I simply put a cedar shake over the plants with a rock on it and in late January I remove it.

One caution, do not mulch with straw. Mice love these bulbs and the mulch can hide much activity. In the spring one might not find your bulbs, but a multitude of mouse turds. :-)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Cycalmen coum


This cyclamen is smaller leafed winter blooming plant. The great foliage carries aloft mostly pink flowers and can make a pink oasis under trees and lends great charm to the spring garden.. The plant self sows easily. They bloom in Feb March and even into April and have beautifully round dark green leaves.

Best in Zone 5-9

Height about 2-3”

Excellent in Pt. Shade

Well drained soil is important!

Naturalizes (!!! Even into grass) Ants carry the seeds and plant them willy nilly.

Works well in rock gardens as well

Cyclamen are among the most charming of plants, whether grown as specimens in the rock garden, or used as opulent ground covers under deciduous trees and shrubs, or kept in pots in cool greenhouses. The rounded leaves are usually a dark green but can have various green and silver patterns. The magenta- pink flowers, lend great charm to the spring garden. The flowers cheerfully withstand snow's coming and going, and often are in mass with the early spring daffodils.You simply cannot have too many of these.

Trumpet Gentian- Gentiana acaulis

Gentiana acaulis -Trumpet Gentian


This low growing (1 inch high) ground cover forms a low growing matt of sturdy glossy, mid-green leaves from which a profusion of blooms appears. The flowers are an intense cobalt blue and usually appear in May and June. In cultivation they prefer a gritty, well drained soil with the enhancement of some leaf mold.

You are bidding on a well established 3.5 inch pot.

PLANTING INFO ...... Zones 3 8

Swiss Alps -- Europe
Height 1 inch
Glorious deep blue flowers
Light requirements: some shade to full sun
Cold hardy to zone 3
Needs well drained sunny locations

Dodecatheon pulchellum

Dodecatheon pulchellum
Darkthroat Shooting Star - Western native Shooting Star

These have been seed grown, not collected in the wild. Intense fuschia color flowers emerge early in spring on this shooting star. Large and showy, it is easy in sun or shade and will tolerate summer drought. (Actually it appreciates drying out in the summer.) 12" tall. This is a classic woodland wildflower. Excellent when massed in a shaded woodland garden, naturalized area or in a wildflower garden. Mixes well with other spring wildflowers.

Zones 4-8

Native wildflower
Height 8-10 inches Flowers fuschia red.
Light requirements: Part Shade
Cold hardy to zone 4-8
Needs neglect in the summer

Cyclamen hederifolium

Fall Blooming Cyclamen hederifolium

Fragrant pale pink flowers with a red center, blooming in September and October. Beautifully heart shaped leaves.

Hardy relative of the ever-popular florist's cyclamen. These will grow and bloom in the shade. Once planted they can, if happy self-sow with abandon. Quite happy in shade or in the sun. These are every bit as charming as the florist variety and can be used as specimens in the rock garden, or as a great ground-covers under deciduous trees and shrubs. The leaves may vary, some are rounded and some are triangular, nearly all are marbled with white or cream. The flowers range from snow-whte to pink. This is a must have for the fall garden! These are well established 3 1/2 pots and are guaranteed to bloom next year.

PLANTING INFO ...... Zones 5 and higher

Hardiness Zone: 5-9
Height: 8-12 inches
Months of Bloom: March, September-October
Fragrant: slightly
Light: Excellent for sun and Great in Shade